Better Tracking Widget

The Better Tracking Widget allows you to embed the bettermile tracking experience into your website for tours driven with Better Route.
The Widget can be integrated in one of two ways. Via an iframe integration or using an Javascript library.


In order to have access from the widget to the tracking API the testing and production domain need to be whitelisted.



<iframe width="400" height="800" src=""></iframe>

javascript SDK:

    <script type='module'
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <div id="trackingContainer"></div>

or render programmatically once the script is loaded or when some event has occurred:

    <script type='module'
            onload="window.betterTracking.render('/gls-de/en/534340433/12121', {containerId: 'myContainerId1', disableFromAddress: 1})">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <div style='max-height: 400px' id="myContainerId1"></div>
    <div style='max-height: 400px' id="myContainerId2"></div>

    <script type='module'>
      setTimeout(() => {
        window.betterTracking.render('/gls-at/de-AT/12334566/10115', {
          containerId: 'myContainerId2',
          disableFromAddress: 1,
          disableToAddress: 1
      }, 10000);

URL Structure (1st function parameter)

Uses the url structure of the gls rtt page: /{tenant-id}/{locale}/{parcelNumber|trackingId|internalId}[/{postcode}] The postcode is optional.

The locale parameter uses the IETF language tag format, which is a lowercase language code, followed by an optional region (usually a two letter ISO country code), separated by a dash. For example: en, en-US, de, de-AT.


In Iframe mode you have to pass a hash string and query parameters. In Js Library Mode you pass the hash string as first parameter and the query parameters as object in the second function parameter.

Parameters visualized

Widget view at estimated 5 stops before delivery:

Delivery truck icon

Rating Box on Delivered State (disable5StarRating):

Delivery truck icon

Widget view when parcel has been delivered:

Delivery truck icon

Query Params (2nd function parameter)

autoRenderbooleantruedefines if the vue application should be rendered on startup
containerIdstringrttdefines in which element the vue application should be rendered into
disable5StarRatingbooleanfalsedefines if the rating component should be shown
postCodeTextInputbooleanfalsedefines if the postcode can contain alphanumerical characters
disableDepositPermissionbooleanfalsedo not render deposit permission button / dialog
disableDeliverToNeighbourbooleanfalsedo not render "deliver to neighbour" button / dialog
disableFromAddressbooleanfalsedo not render fromAddress
disableToAddressbooleanfalsedo not render toAddress
disableOverviewbooleanfalsedo not render the overview, only the map
gdprApprovedbooleanfalsedo not prompt for gdpr approval
disableMoreInfoLinkbooleanfalsedo not show the link for more info, when delivered

All query params are optional